Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday was Yule Day!

Well, you know I always talk about how brilliant Brooke is - Well, she made
homemade marshmallows!  When she told me about it, I, in my narrow-mindedness thought,
"Why would you do that?  They're so cheap."
Then I saw them!  Fabulous!

 Grant stacked cups as tall as Brooke for Josiah to knock down
 We made hot chocolate to have with the marshmallows
Beautiful Girls!!
 We visited Mawmaw Weaver, and Santa Claus was there!!

 Grant took Josiah outside, and Santa had a cat!

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!


Meghan said...

LOVE the snowflake marshmellows! Hope y'all had a great Christmas!! Love you!

Meghan said...

Okay, I really do know how to spell marshmallows...