Sunday, September 16, 2012


One of my all-time fav posts on PLAYING GROWN UP was this , celebrating The Most Wonderful Time of the Year in Alabama.  Not only are we just getting a break from a LOOONNG, HOOOT summer around this time of year, but it's time for ALABAMA FOOTBALL.  Unless we're fortunate enough to score tickets to the game, we gather around our television sets without fail  every Saturday to watch the current Alabama boys work towards yet another National Championship!   It doesn't really matter who the starters are for the year if you're a traditional fan.  The team and coaches are in our hearts and part of our families.  And speaking of families, we all cheer for the Tide from our 91 year old grannies to our 3 year old grandsons.  Sometimes even if we can get tickets, we prefer to watch the game on the big screen. Even though it's getting a little cooler, we still are drawn to the air conditioning like a moth to a flame - and the tailgating food!  WOW!  I'll say it backwards - WOW!!  We are always tweaking and thus, perfecting the game day food.  And if you want to have any celebrations or events in the fall such as wedding, birthday parties, etc:  well, you better consult the Alabama's "by week" or plan it at a time that the game is NOT being played.  Only if you want people to actually show up, that is.  Here's a few pics of our excitement for the 2012 football (and by football, I mean ROLL TIDE; what else?!)


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